Here is an example of the Wave Ring, a Cellini Spiral ring made popular by Cindy Pankoff, using long magatamas as the high point of the ring. Looks pretty cool don't you think! I can make this ring in about an hour, with distractions such as a car ride or watching shows recorded on the DVR. Well, now you know how I manage to get so much beading done! Multi-tasking is an obession of mine...oh wait, is that a sign of ADD as well??? Oh never mind, cuz I have to get back to piles of new beads.
For this ring I used the longer 4x7mm magatamas, size 8 seed beads, size 11 seed beads and then a series of five colors of Delica beads on Fireline...Cellini is a version of Peyote stitch. We'll see how long it lasts! I have been told the Fireline dissolves over time and I think in water!?!?!? I know it tends to break when a knot is tied...so now I only just weave away the loose ends and use a Thread Burner to cut.